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Helpful information that on a variety of topics specifically targeted to seniors.

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Helpful videos which discuss:

  • What is Medicare
  • Medicare Basics
  • Medicare Advantage
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Medicare Supplement

Medigap plans, or Medicare Supplements fill in the gaps in original Medicare by paying the hospital deductible and coinsurance payments not covered by original Medicare. CMS plan designs range from A to N, with Plan G being the highest benefit plan currently available. If you have a Medigap plan you will also need a separate prescription drug plan.

Medicare Advantage

Medicare Advantage plans are usually HMO or PPO plans. These plans normally include prescription drug benefits as well as some benefits not covered by original Medicare. These plans can be purchased when initially eligible for Medicare, during the Annual Medicare Enrollment period October 15th to December 7th, or a Special Election Period.

Electronic Sope of Appointment

Medicare Prescription Drug Plans

Medicare Part D, prescription drug plans, provides the missing drug coverage in original Medicare. In addition to when originally eligible for Medicare, you can also apply during the Annual Enrollment Period.

My current medications

Electronic Scope of Appointment

Helpful Medicare Information

Want help to review the 2024 plan and formularies? Complete the 2024 Medicare Shopping Authorization.

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